Past Events
2023 Events
Its that time of year again for our 2023 Specialty shows: Greenville, SC July 27th thru the 30th for two BMDCA supported entries and two BMDCA designated specialties hosted by the Piedmont BMD of SC and the Blue Ridge BMD clubs.

- Four chances at majors all indoors in air conditioning. No matter the weather outside, you will be cool and dry inside.
- Free grooming for BMD just outside the ring you’ll be showing in.
- Pee Class on Friday! And judged by the ever famous Pee Wee judge Johnny Shoemaker.
- AKC will be filming the groups and BIS.
July 28 and July 30, 2022 Supported Entry and Specialty
Our annual supported entry will be on July 28, 2022 with Ms. Helen Nietsch as the judge. Our annual specialty is on July 30, 2022 with breeder judge Andrew Ritter and puppy and veteran sweepstakes judge Dr. A Todd Miller. The superintendent is MB-F ( and the closing date is July 13, 2022. This is a designated specialty and does NOT have it’s own premium list. On the day of the specialty, July 30, 2022, we have decided to have a theme… Christmas in July so please dress and decorate in your Christmas attire. It’ll be fun.
In addition, we will be holding an A Match on Saturday July 30, 2022 with a closing date of July 23, 2022. Please click on the link for the Premium List BMD A Match Premium List 2022
And an important reminder that on July 30, 2022 is our annual meeting. it will be held at the TD Convention Center, Time to be determined.
In the early evening of July 30, 2022, there will also be a party at the home of VP, Dawn Hitchcock. Open to all members and BMD fanciers. A chance to meet and greet new and familiar faces and to talk to our judges from Friday and Saturday.
We hope to see you all the last weekend in July 2022!
December 3, 2022
Poinsette Parade in Greenville, SC
General membership meeting to follow and Christmas party at home of KT Ryan.
Please come back for more details at a later date.
Trophy table from our regional specialty held July 29, 2017 at the TD Convention Center, Greenville, SC